Sam Houston Area Council B.S.A. Crew 505
Chartered to St. Vincent de Paul Roman Catholic Church
Houston, Texas

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Achievement Awards

Venturing Bronze Award
Individual Venturers have many interests, or would like to have more. Because of that desire, and to give them a pathway to many different experiences, the Venturing Bronze Award program was developed.

The Venturing Bronze awards are:

Venturers can earn all five Bronze awards if they so choose.

No Crew 505 members have earned the Venturing Bronze Award (yet!)

Venturing Gold Award
Venturers should have the opportunity to work toward tangible, challenging goals, and to be recognized for their efforts. The Venturing Gold Award program has been developed to recognize a significant accomplishment in a Venturer's life; it requires outstanding performance in a broad spectrum of activities. The program was developed to challenge and to motivate Venturers over an extended period of time.

No Crew 505 members have earned the Venturing Gold Award (yet!)

Venturing Silver Award
Venturing should be an exciting, advanced-level program where Venturers learn and use advanced skills for their own enjoyment and growth, as well as to benefit others. Life is a series of experiences, and the Venturing Silver Award is similar. It will lead Venturers on a pathway of exciting life experiences that will guide them to become skilled Venturing leaders.

No Crew 505 members have earned the Venturing Silver Award (yet!)

Venturing Ranger Award
The Venturing Ranger Award exemplifies a challenging high-level outdoor/high-adventure skills advancement program. Once earned, it will identify a Ranger as an elite outdoorsman who is skilled at a variety of outdoor sports and interests, trained in outdoor safety, and ready to lead or assist others in activities.

No Crew 505 members have earned the Venturing Ranger Award (yet!)

Venturing Quest Award
The resounding popularity of the Ranger Award for Venturing's outdoor emphasis led to the creation of the Venturing Quest Award program for Venturing's sports emphasis. The Quest Award program provides a wide variety of sports-related activities that encourage the development of the "whole" person.

No Crew 505 members have earned the Venturing Quest Award (yet!)

Venturing TRUST Award
Following in the tradition of the Ranger and Quest awards, the Venturing TRUST Award program was created for Venturing's religious life emphasis. While working on the TRUST award, Venturers will learn more about themselves, their communities, their religion and culture, as well as those of others.

No Crew 505 members have earned the Venturing TRUST Award (yet!)

Sea Scouting Quartermaster Award
The Sea Scouting Quartermaster Award, which stands for excellence, goes to the young adult who attains the highest rank in Sea Scouting. The award is a reminder that as a ship needs a rudder, a compass, and a moving force to reach its destination, so an individual must be physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight to achieve worthwhile goals in life.

No Crew 505 members have earned the Sea Scouting Quartermaster Award.

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Sam Houston Area Council B.S.A. Crew 505
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